
Enda Madden releases ‘Freedom’ for Ukraine Humanitarian Relief

20 Dec 2022

This is a song about the war in Ukraine from the perspective of an ordinary Ukrainian forced to bear arms to defend their country. Like many others, I have sadly watched the ongoing humanitarian disaster unfold in Ukraine over recent months and I have read many of the endless stories of the daily atrocities visited upon its people. Having lived in London for over 30 years enjoying life and the freedoms that western democracy affords all of us here, I realise how lucky I am to simply be able to go to bed unafraid, and how privileged I am to have a voice.

The small things we take for granted are today unavailable in so many countries run by dictatorships and theocracies around the world and freedom itself is under constant attack. It seems like a different world when I look at the haunting images of once modern cities being bombed back to the Stone Age, but that is exactly what is happening in Ukraine in 2022. Beneath the weight of the 48-point headline screaming from the front page of every newspaper lies real blood and tears…real people, real tragedy, and real suffering on an immeasurable scale. Seeing the devastation and the pain inflicted on ordinary men, women, and children in Ukraine has really made me sit and think about my own privileged life, and so I decided to try to help in my own small way, but I need the help of you…my Friends, to make this worthwhile.

I have released this song which I wrote about the terrible situation and I need you all to support me by buying a copy of the song from the stores below and sharing the links with everyone you know. The track is only £0.99 I am donating 100% of all sales (no matter how small or how large) to humanitarian relief agencies working to help Ukraine.

Stream the track if you enjoy it, but buying a copy is the best way that money can be easily collected to help those in most need. This project will count for nothing unless you get behind it so I am asking for your help in order that we can bring some small help where it is needed most. Equally I would also like to raise the spirits of Ukrainians at this dark time with a song to give them hope and get people all around the world singing in support of freedom. The power of music is often underestimated.

I have put subtitles on the video as I think it’s important for people to really connect with the emotion of the situation by reading the lyrics.




Welcome to Diary of a Rock Photographer. My name is Enda Madden and I am a professional freelance photographer based in London, UK. This website is intended to be a showcase for my live music and fashion photography as well as a resource for UK Music photographers. I hope you enjoy my work.