Bloodstock Open Air 2023 – What Are You Waiting For?
Never been to BLOODSTOCK before and just want to come for a day to check things out? Can’t do the whole weekend this summer but don’t want to miss all the fun? A limited number of day tickets are on sale now in the ticket store. Adult day tickets are £75 and if you’d like to make it a family day out, child day tickets are £25 (mini moshers under 4 can come for free), plus booking fees. Ready for the full weekend experience? VIP and campervan tickets are already sold out, but you can still get standard weekend tickets in the ticket store!
ROBB FLYNN comes to see London thrashers IMPERIUM at BLOODSTOCK.
On Saturday 13th August, London thrashers IMPERIUM played the New Blood stage at the mighty Bloodstock Open Air Festival. They had already gained a lot of fans with their impressive set and subsequent win at the London Metal to The Masses competition, and many of these fans had made the journey to see them in the sweltering packed tent at Bloodstock. What they didn’t realise however is that one rather special fan also took time out of their busy day to come see them…none other than Machine Head main man Robb Flynn. We caught up with IMPERIUM frontman Ben Porter to get the low-down on what happened: “So…. We’re up…
Download 2022 – The Beast is Back!
Pictures by Enda Madden and review by Howard Keogh It has been a long hard road, but we have finally made it out the other side.Legions of fans have waited for this moment as the world lurched and lunged through the rollercoaster ride of the last two years. We had a hiatus where we had to survive on virtual Downloadin 2020 as a global pandemic swept through populations across the globe. We then had the falsedawn of Download 2021 until time was called on it in March. Hopes were raised once more inMay when it was announced that a reduced capacity event was to be held as a government sponsored…