
If you would like to contact me regarding bookings or image requests, please use the form below. Feel free also to submit any questions here and I will do my best to answer them online.


  • Ramon

    Hello, found some great fotos of a band I love – Delain. Was wondering, if would be possible to get few of these as original size for printing. Would love to make a nice poster for my wall. Cheers, Ramon

  • David Speirs

    Hey dude just got your tweet and followed the link and immeadiately have to say how sorry I am for your recent loss,how terribly sad but life will go on.
    The reason i followed the links as im back taking music photos again yself but sadly heavy rock is my least followed genre my whole life but would like to recommend 2 great new rock bands from the UK.
    First up Estrella and secondly are Logan check them both out my old mate Hamish MacPherson has a son on both bands,different bands ,different sons but both worth following dude.
    Take care best regards,David Speirs.

  • zig


    sorry took a bit longer to reply than i thought. your work has been assessed and you should receive certificates in the turn of next month or two. your work is in the office s13 at the college. top shelve on the left as you enter the office. you can ask people at the reception to give back to you. if you need it immediately

    i’m off cycling to scotland tomorrow for three weeks or so. can pick it up when i’m back as well.

    hope you well.


    greetings to Shamus

  • James Dunbar

    I am an aspiring rock photography and have been very interested in photography for about a year now.
    I found you site on google and I really like the pictures you have on your site.
    I was jsut wondering how you got into the rock photography business and how you wer able to get into the press areas of the festivvals and concerts.
    Much appreciated

  • Ricky Swift

    Hey Enda, its Ricky swift how was your new year? I have nearly finished me uni now, and got to grips with me 1dN now loving 24-70 f2.8, I have mainly been doing modeling shoots recently, and did a sports event over the summer which i loved.

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